MedjoPangit Tech

(Meh-djō Paw-ngit Tech)

Embracing Freedom in Technology

Who are We?

MedjoPangit Tech is here to help you fix your day-to-day technology problems, as well as help you learn a little more about the world of networks, computers and the internet.

In today's world, understanding how our technology connects us has been made to look like a deep rabbit hole of complicated science- and by far, the worst thing about it is that corporations, both large and small, not only turn away from explaining these topics, but go out of their way to make it more confusing and obscure. Phrases like "Wi-fi" and even "the internet" have become marketing buzzwords to us, more than real concepts.

But it doesn't have to be that way! If you have even a particle of desire to learn in you, and you want to free yourself from deceitful advertisements and lies these companies are trying to force upon you, starting today, you can become that much more aware. Arm yourself with knowledge- which I hear is enough to keep higher-ups at the likes of Comcast awake at night! Best of all, you don't even need to be a network engineer or have a computer science degree to understand it- you just need to be your own good self- and that is more than sufficient!

Reach out to me- let's fix the issues you're experiencing. Maybe your internet seems overbearingly slow, and you don't understand why. Maybe you're wondering how you can best store and access your cherished photos without having to pay for subscriptions like iCloud or Google Photos. Perhaps you want to understand how to safely setup your own Minecraft server. Whatever the case, I want to help you! Reach out, and let's see what we can do to help you solve the issues you're having with technology.

At the end of the day, MedjoPangit Tech revolves around the following four core values:

- Integrity - We believe in holding fast to who we are and what we stand for, no matter the circumstances.
- Faith - With eyes looking forward, even when we fail, we pick ourselves up and walk on with hope in better things.
- Balance - Maintaining balance in life is how we become our best selves.
- Technological Freedom - Unless we understand the logic of the beast, we will only be prisoners to it.

As of right now, it's a one-man show- I'll be upfront and honest and admit that I'm new to the business management side of things, so please bare with me as I learn how best to help each of you. Thanks!

Questions? Contact me!